

Weronika Kocewiak
Perfect white
June 27 - August 25, 2024

Is there a wall in the shade of perfect white?

Brian O’Doherty, in his publication "Inside the White Cube: The Ideology of the Gallery Space," writes: "The white wall itself has no aesthetic qualities—it is merely a necessity for the upright animal." In today's world of image dominance, we perform in a spectacle where every element matters.

Prolonged exposure to clean space triggers compulsive habits—seeing dirt where it is not obvious, even invisible to less prying eyes. Insignificant stains. Removing them is simultaneously tedious, frustrating, and exhilarating. I notice dirt because I seek it. Without the constant need for perfection, I probably wouldn't notice any flaws.

Faced with almost abstract images of cleaning, presented in three videos, in the fourth projection—as a counterpoint—I attempt to present myself "perfectly" to the audience. However, it is not the words or the way they are articulated that matter here, but the constant self-correction. The inspiration for my work is the inability to free oneself from the judgment of the Superego.

One of my enduring fascinations is reality—its variable and invariable aspects that influence the individual. Setting myself new tasks is both my downfall and privilege—I test and record my own faults, which sometimes prove to be universal, such as compulsive checking, work overload, or persistent list-making.


Weronika Kocewiak—born in 1996; graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (2023), Art History at the University of Warsaw (2022), and Art Education at the Academy of Special Education in Warsaw (2019). Two-time Erasmus+ scholar. In the years 2021–23, she carried out a series of performances writing to-do lists ranging from 30 to 200 meters long—collected in her diploma installation titled "CLEANING." An interdisciplinary artist; she works with body art and traditional media and realizes video/performance projects. She has exhibited at venues including Prehlidka Residency '22 CZK; "Zbiór nieskończony" Łódź '22; Amplify Maastricht NL, Salon Akademii Gallery, PROGRAM Gallery.

SOON_76 - Weronika Kocewiak | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_76 - Weronika Kocewiak | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_76 - Weronika Kocewiak | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_76 - Weronika Kocewiak | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_76 - Weronika Kocewiak | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_76 - Weronika Kocewiak | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_76 - Weronika Kocewiak | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_76 - Weronika Kocewiak | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_76 - Weronika Kocewiak | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski

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