

Linda Lach
Planting the System
August 16 - September 22, 2023

Trans-line is an experiment developed by Linda Lach in the form of a web application that measures the likelihood of exchanging lives with another person. The application identifies 21 areas important for an individual's health and overall well-being. While completing the Trans-line test, a digital doppelgänger of the user is generated. This is a spatial form whose shape corresponds to the given answers and is directly linked to only one person. This shape undergoes irreversible changes each time another user wishes to swap some part of their “life.” Trans-line, its activity, and probable internal structural development serve as the starting point for the presentation.

The program is an active network. Continuously created sequences result from "immersing" more and more data into the program. Subsequent users, by completing the test, change the structure. These events are accompanied by checkpoints that help understand the subsequent stages of the program's development. You are currently observing such a “checkpoint.” Subsequent series of questions and answers "drill" new “branches” of the program’s network. From this perspective, Trans-line and its digital products are in a constant state of irreversible transformation. These changes are recorded by the program and stored in an ever-expanding database. The structural nature of Trans-line may raise questions about the future shape of the network. The presentation is one of many possible scenarios for the development of a segment of the program. It sets a direction, opening up to what will be and what might be. By visualizing a structure that cannot be excluded in a non-digital world, the focus is on the original problem that initiated the program: what if?


Linda Lach – visual artist. Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Winner of the main prize in the art category at UpComing 2022. In her work, she operates at the intersection of science and art, seeking new ways to visualize acquired data. She sketches algorithm-based charts. She is interested in repetition and human relationships with the digital world. Her works have been exhibited at Foksal Gallery, GSW Opole, and Jednostka Gallery. This year, her works will be on display during Warsaw Gallery Weekend.

SOON_71 - Linda Lach | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_71 - Linda Lach | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_71 - Linda Lach | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_71 - Linda Lach | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_71 - Linda Lach | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski

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