

Weronika Guenther
Sweet 19
June 21 - August 6, 2023

Sometimes overlooked, ceilings carry the marks of a building’s function, which we can decipher by analyzing their individual elements. Naturally, our perception of space changes when we find ourselves under the dome of a church, in an underground parking garage, in a sports hall, or in an office building. The Spectra building and its multi-level ceiling inspired me to create the project Sweet 19.


I utilized a fragment of the architecture located directly above the SOON_ project panel. With this gesture, I want to provoke visitors to reflect on the impact of their surroundings on their well-being and the way they perceive the places they visit. I want them to feel like full participants in the process of creating an artistic vision, in a place where reality mixes with fantasy. I enriched the existing space with fictional elements, stimulating imagination and encouraging exploration of the boundaries of perception.


The title Sweet 19 refers to the actual number of architectural elements and levels visible within the SOON_70 project. I aim to convey to the audience that every space carries hidden meanings, different from the intended content, and that all details contribute to our experience of it.


Weronika Guenther - born in 1999, is a student at the Faculty of Media Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Through various media, such as sound, objects, video, and painting, she creates extensive research on the emotional side of space. Her works have been exhibited at venues such as BWA in Wrocław, Murate Art District in Florence, and as part of Cracow Art Week.

SOON_70 - Weronika Guenther | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_70 - Weronika Guenther | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_70 - Weronika Guenther | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski
SOON_70 - Weronika Guenther | fot. Maciej Jędrzejewski

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