I sense everything with my heart – a sensitive seismograph.
Every thought moves my heart, which trembles but finally freezes. I could call it a panic attack for the sake of simplification but they say that in such situations the pulse goes up. My pulse has, a sort of, frozen now. As if just before jumping, falling down for a long while, my heart freezes and straight away starts again, falls again, and all my fears that I conceal from myself and others would lie where my heart falls, down there. I’m so much afraid that when I tell about them, when I expose myself, I will not want myself like that. I may realise that I’m paranoid, that these are tragic phantasies conceived in my head, but they can hold my breath for so long, squeeze me with a big hand, so hard, so hard that I can’t free myself. Then I close my eyes and surrender to this feeling. Sometimes I imagine that I put my hand inside my chest and tear my own heart out. I look at it for a short while and toss it away, as far away as possible so that I no longer feel what it is doing to me. I dream of being emotionless, like a stone that you can kiss or kick and it won’t feel anything, so hard and indifferent. But still I carry a heart in my chest; a heart that feels very, very much. Now, for example, paralysing stress and in a moment something completely different. I’m pleased when I understand it even a bit, when I recognise its times of trembling and resting, when I interpret them, which doesn’t happen very often, but still. The heart doesn’t have a mouth to speak. It is a performance in the chest.
Patryk Różycki
Patryk Różycki - born in 1992; lives and works in Warsaw. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. Interdisciplinary artist. Painter, writer, performer, video creator, podcaster, curator and educator. Applies text, colour, and easily available materials to create large-format, often ephemeral, installations.
Using his own life as a model, he tries to point to and talk about emotions and experiences, in particular those difficult, painful and embarrassing ones. Interested in broadening the room for masculine sensitivity and its performance and in interpersonal relationships. Senses with his heart. Believes in selflessness of art and unconventional nature of living a life as a sculpting process.
Since 2020, runs, together with Michał Laskowski, the Room of Artistic Practices in Warsaw: a school focusing on collective action and socially involved art.