5th Edition of the Competition

“Human nature, creative nature – how to see ourselves and the world”

The Władysław Kossak State High School of Fine Arts in Łomża


Transmission - the creative process is important, not just the end result. Co-creation in accordance with nature.



  • discussing the project concept with students;
  • two open-air artistic workshops in the Green Forest near Lomza;
  • creation of works using found elements of nature: stone, moss, tree, branch and others;
  • a map with marked coordinates; the works will be located in places which are difficult to reach, it will be necessary to commune with nature;
  • wilderness exploration;
  • presentation of the installation;
  • a school exhibition documenting the project.




Plein air art project in the Green Forest.



The author of the project will take the pupils from the school studio to the forest. During two open-air art workshops, organised in inaccessible places in the Green Forest, the pupils will try to answer the question of how they see themselves in the modern world? What is the role of the artist? Where to look for inspiration, how to see, how to create? They will then undertake artistic activities, co-creating from the found natural elements of the Forest, using various artistic media, e.g. cyanotypes, gilding with noble metal.

The result will be a map with coordinates of the locations of the works. An exhibition in the field, as opposed to art present on the Internet, is not lazy, is unique, changing with every moment. The objects will be in places that are difficult to access. You have to hurry to see them, because every day under the influence of weather conditions the object will look different until it completely disintegrates. The Internet and the media assume that information, an image, can be held forever and we can always return to it.



In a time of unleashed digital revolution, programmes, infinite possibilities of the Internet, artificial intelligence - a return to the action of co-creation with nature, where the artist opens himself to discussion, reflection, asks questions, does not give answers, composes, does not use algorithms, does not copy but reflects reality.



An art installation in the Green Forest.



Ewa Skłodowska, teacher of intermedia realisations.

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