5th Edition of the Competition

“Last Supper”

The Jacek Malczewski State High School of Fine Arts in Częstochowa


An artistic provocation to make young artists aware of the importance of socially engaged art. A return to one's roots in the face of the dominance of electronic media, at a time of ongoing change for the next generation.



  • open lectures complementing the school curriculum, on Polish contemporary art of the 1980s and 1990s in the context of social and political changes and the awakening of democracy;
  • deepening knowledge of contemporary art on the basis of artists presenting their works at the Venice Art Biennale;
  • analysis of Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper and contemporary adaptations within the framework of so-called alternative art;
  • purchase of materials for the preparation of a set inspired by the composition of Leonardo da Vinci's painting 'The Last Supper';
  • purchase of an ultra-short-throw projector;
  • technical preparation of one of the school rooms with a symbolic scene of the 'Last Supper' taking place;
  • installation;
  • performance of the Last Supper with live transmission;
  • editing of film and photographic material.




What is missing in art education is group creative action, integrated by a common idea to build new values. A performative meeting, taking place in real time, broadcast live, is a kind of manifestation of the and an answer to the competition question. The originators of the project closely alluded to the competition inspiration: the 1987 exhibition 'What's Up', which was a manifesto, a rebellion in the context of the parallel historical events in Poland and the upcoming socio-political changes.



An interdisciplinary creative activity by a group of students and educators inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's work The Last Supper, taking place in real time with live transmission. 



Elżbieta Siwik, a teacher of graphic design, who has been leading Erasmus+ youth projects for many years, organiser of the social action "Culture doesn't hurt", leading the project entitled "Culture is not a pain". "8th Social Action Culture Doesn't Hurt. Me+You+My!", awarded in the 2nd edition of the "Wena" Grant Programme Competition. In its educational and social activities, it takes up the In her educational and social activities, she explores the relationship between art, people and urban space.

Aleksandra Rybak, teacher of sculpture and jewellery.

Teachers periodically organise trips for schoolchildren to the Venice Biennale of Contemporary Art.

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