5th Edition of the Competition

“Feel the art of the city”

The Leon Wyczółkowski State High School of Fine Arts in Bydgoszcz


To show architecture in a sensory way, based on students' observations and interpretations, so that it meets the expectations of the viewer. Real design practice for students.




fot. facebook.com/InvisibleHouseTorun



  • lecture and discussion by Dorota Halaburda on the perception of the environment by people with disabilities;
  • workshops and lectures by educators from a high school in Bydgoszcz (3D printing, architecture imaging, illustration, composition);
  • a visit to the Invisible House in Toruń;
  • selection of architectural objects for analysis and graphic design;
  • retrofitting the school: purchase of 3D printer, filaments, gel printing materials, plotter, UV lamp;
  • preparation of spatial-sensory images and a topographic map of a selected part of the Old Town in Bydgoszcz;
  • consultation of prototypes with the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Special School and Educational Center;
  • preparation of the exhibition.



Students will take part in workshops illustrating the problem of accessibility of architectural objects by visually impaired people. They will prepare an analysis of selected architectural objects. They will build spatial-sensory images and a mock-up, using traditional techniques (monotype, intaglio) and new techniques of digital graphics and 3D printing. The results of the project will be presented in an exhibition at one of the local cultural institutions.



Is art accessible to everyone? Addressing one of the more important




 fot. Mariusz Guć - Praca własna, CC BY-SA 4.0 "Stare miasto w Bydgoszczy"



An exhibition of sensory-spatial images and a topographical map of a section of the Old Town in Bydgoszcz.



Monika Pyszczyńska, teacher of interior design, graduate of interior architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, founder of VEIM Studio interior design studio. She presented a prototype chair at arenaDESIGN in 2016. She exhibits her paintings at Officyna Gallery in Warsaw.

Joanna Czolgosz, teacher of space arrangement and design basics, graduate of interior architecture at UTP Bydgoszcz. She runs the MODULO interior architecture studio.



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