"STREET ART-MURAL- Urban Garden"
"The premise of the project is to combine art, nature, and ecology. The result of the activity will be a mural and an urban garden, adapted for the project and created in a yard in the center of Kalisz. The interactive activity is meant to draw the residents' attention to the need of communing with art, as well as caring for the natural environment and creating "urban gardens”, which are an alternative to concrete streets.
The project will be enriched by art workshops on mural creation, STREET ART and ARTETHERAPY, lectures on Hortiterapy and ecology. Artistic realization as art and nature therapy is the best way to cope with stress and the negative effects of the pandemic. The project will be attended by any number of students and residents, youth with intellectual dysfunctions from the J. Korczak Special Educational and Rearing Center No. 1 in Kalisz and the Association of Educational and Artistic Initiatives 'Te Ka' in Kalisz."
Ewa Ratajczyk - artist, painter, poet born in Kalisz in 1972. Currently a teacher of drawing and painting, sculpture and ceramics at the T. Kulisiewicz High School of Visual Arts in Kalisz.
Fot: unsplash.com