Edition 3

"Short Film Essays. Five Students - Five Different Stories - Connected in One Soul"


Students from the High School of Fine Visual in Jarosław, working under the supervision of their Polish language teacher - Dariusz Ledwos, are realizing a grant from the 3rd edition of the "Wena" Program competition entitled. "The world from my window" in the form of a collage of short essays. 


It is a poetic work on scripts, in which students take a long time to refine the text and image in order to create personal and highly elaborated, stories about the world surrounding them from their windows. The project has an ARTtherapeutic dimension, helping young people to express their emotions during the pandemic. 


"The watchword of the short films is 'Window'. Five short stories showing different points of view. Film essays that go beyond the scheme of the core curriculum, made outside the school, away from suggestions, characterized by great freedom of action and freedom to make independent decisions. The aim of the project is to study the soul of man and attempt to tell man’s own relationship with the world". - Dariusz Ledwos. 


By the end of 2021, one work - entitled The Window - had been completed. The remaining film essays are still in the making, the work is very meticulous, as the other scripts are still at the stage of editing, analysis, and acquiring new inspirations. 


We encourage you to watch the first completed film :



The work on the project will end with a joint film screening. We wish you good luck and look forward to other film works.

Dariusz Ledwos - Master of Arts, Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Faculty of Interior Design. Teacher of Space Arrangement/Interior Design and Basics of Photography and Film.

Fot: unsplash.com

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