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“It all starts with just a pencil and paper,” – says Jakub Strzelecki, the Commissioner of the 9th All-Polish Self-Portrait Drawings Biennale of Fine Arts School Students – Radom 2023. On 15 March, the “Wena” Gallery of the Starak Family Foundation at ul. Bobrowiecka 8 in Warsaw opened its 1st temporary exhibition of works created by fine arts school students, awarded, and distinguished at the Self-Portrait Drawings Biennale. The gallery was created to highlight the youngest artists.



Five editions of the Starak Family Foundation’s “Wena” Grant Programme Competitions and their lasting effect, in both the broad and narrow sense, culminated in the December 2023 opening of the “Wena” Gallery, the exhibition space of the Starak Family Foundation at ul. Bobrowiecka 8 in Warsaw.



A school presentation of a series of dioramas made using spatial models, showing the world outside the window, ended on 23 June with a project awarded in the 3rd edition of the Starak Family Foundation's "Wena" Grant Programme entitled „Świat z mojego okna” or "The world from my window". "The world from my window" - a project of the State Secondary School of Fine Arts in Poznań entitled „Poza ramy dioramy" or "Outside the frame of a diorama”.



The premiere of the final multimedia show, prepared by third-year students of the Wojciech Gerson State Secondary School of Fine Arts in Warsaw, took place on 21 June at the headquarters of our Foundation. The event crowned the Starak Family Foundation's "Wena" Grant Programme, awarded in the third edition of the competition, entitled „Świat z mojego okna” or "The world from my window" - a project entitled „Pokój. Światło. Sieć” or  "Peace. Light. Network”.



Places are made by people. Silesia is dotted with blocks of flats inhabited by thousands of people who rarely know each other. The idea for an educational and artistic project by students of the Józef Pankiewicz State Secondary School of Visual Arts in Katowice entitled „Jeden widok, inne spojrzenia” or "One view, different points of views" was born and awarded in the 3rd edition of the Starak Family Foundation's "Wena" Grant Programme Competition entitled „Świat z mojego okna” or "The world from my window". "The world from my window" was set actually and mentally in the Silesian agglomeration. The young artists tried to bring the audience closer to the stories of Silesians living in one block of flats in a Katowice housing estate.



If you are going to tackle the subject of urban revitalisation, you should go to Kalisz. There, the students together with their teacher in charge - Ewa Ratajczyk - as assessed by the Mayor of the city - Krystian Kinastowski - carried out a model renovation of a Kalisz courtyard.




The deliberations of the Competition Jury of the 4th edition of the nationwide "Wena" Grant Programme of the Starak Family Foundation entitled „Sztuka naprawiania świata” („The Art of Repairing the World”) have been concluded. The competition task was to prepare an original, one of a kind educational and artistic project, using widely understood means of artistic expression, reflecting the theme of the Competition.



The finale of the Zakopane artist's project entitled „White cub, brown bear”, awarded in the 3rd edition of the "Wena" Grant Programme of the Starak Family Foundation, had a unique setting. It was awarded in the 3rd edition of the Starak Family Foundation's "Wena" Grant Programme Competition entitled "The world from my window".



 entitled  „The Art of Repairing the World" has closed. We would like to thank all art high school teams from all over Poland for their applications.



Let's look at fragility as a symbol of strength and beauty.

We wish You to always be able to look at the same things from a new perspective.


Hope that this Easter will fill us with faith in people, strength and optimism.

There is a reason that this special holiday is full of encouragement and rebirth.


The Starak Family Foundation - Spectra Edu

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